Policies, Terms & Conditions
Fusion Policy for the Prevention of the Procurement of Counterfeit Devices
Fusion will actively work to prevent procurement or shipment of any counterfeit parts.
Fusion will actively work to ensure that risk reduction strategies are employed to prevent procurement of counterfeit devices by:
Buying from authorized and traceable sources whenever possible;
Buying only from vendors on the Fusion approved vendor list;
Ensuring QC and receiving are properly notified in the event of a buy from a new or first time vendor;
Incorporating vendor rating and experience into the purchasing decisions;
Maintaining strong control of purchase and inspection when purchasing any part identified as high risk;
Buying passive devices from authorized traceable sources only;
Making active use of available information from sources such as ERAI, GiDep, and experience when assessing risk in procuring parts.
Should a receipt be deemed counterfeit, Fusion will immediately quarantine the parts and shut off the vendor. Further, Fusion will determine best course of action with respect to disposition of the parts. Counterfeit parts shall never be allowed back into circulation.
Fusion shall report all incidents of counterfeit to ERAI at a minimum.
Fusion shall strive to continuously improve process, knowledge and training, and equipment in the procurement and inspection of parts.
Rev 3 10/8/2015
General Inquiry