Policies and Legal

Policies, Terms & Conditions

Policy on Values and Business Ethics at Fusion

The following document synthesizes Fusion’s Ethical Values. Everything stated here is contained in the Fusion Personnel Manual and other Fusion policy statements. Please review this document. Should you have questions please see your manager for clarification.

Statement of Commitment to Employees

Simply put, Fusion is people. We are a great company because we recruit and hire great people. We are committed to providing a work environment that breeds success. We are committed to being the best distributor of components and finished goods in the world. We are committed to working with each employee so that they can achieve success. We believe in open door policies. We commit to being available to any employee at any convenient time to discuss any job-related problems the employee may have. We are committed to our customers and we are committed to you, our employees.

Statement of Commitment to a Positive Work Environment

Fusion lives by the motto:

People + Process + Culture = Results.

It is the intent of Fusion to provide a work environment free from verbal, physical, and visual forms [e.g., signs, posters, or documents] of sexual harassment and an environment free of harassment, intimidation or coercion in any form. All employees are expected to be sensitive to the individual rights of their co-workers. Finally, Fusion will not tolerate harassment of any type (ethnic, racial, religious) from any person. Any instance should be immediately reported to a supervisor.

Fusion will not allow any form of sexual harassment or any such conduct that has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Fusion is committed to the principal of equal opportunity and equal treatment for every current and prospective employee. We do not discriminate in any aspect of employment on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by state, federal, or local employment discrimination laws. Fusion’s policy is to advance and reasonably accommodate all of its employees.. Any person who feels that he or she has been subjected to illegal discrimination should immediately report the matter to his or her supervisor/manager or personnel department. Lastly, we strictly forbid the hiring of child labor at Fusion or any of our suppliers and we strictly follow the labor laws and regulations in every country and municipality that we operate or have employees operating in.

Statement to Adherence to Sound Ethical Principles

Fusion is committed to the adherence of sound ethical judgement and to following the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we do business. Fusion expects all of its employees to exhibit integrity in their business dealings, good judgement in their decision making, and to follow these principles. Further, should there be situations where legal and ethical questions arise, Fusion expects employees to ask their supervisors or management for guidance. Fusion employees shall not engage in any form of bribery or granting of favors to win business. Fusion shall enforce and maintain ethical standards for advertisements as well as in communications with customers and suppliers. Lastly, as a global company, Fusion adheres to and is compliant with the principles and guidelines of the Responsible Business Initiative (Formerly the EICC).

Conflict of Interest

No employee of Fusion shall maintain an outside business or financial interest, or engage in any outside business or financial activity, whether as an officer, director, shareholder [other than the holder of less than five percent of a publicly-traded company], partner or otherwise, which conflicts with the interests of the company, or which interferes with his or her ability to fully perform job responsibilities.

For example, and not by limitation, if your job responsibilities include purchasing, or you are in a position to influence such purchases, you should have no proprietary or financial interest in any business that furnishes products, materials, or services to the company or in any related transaction. Nor may you benefit directly or indirectly from a third party who furnishes products, materials, or services to the company. Violation of this policy will result in immediate dismissal.

Further, no employee of Fusion shall engage in the same or a similar line of business or research as that carried on by the company. An employee shall not have a financial interest in a company which is a competitor of or supplier to the company.

Financial interests held by an employee or by his or her immediate family members in such companies are to be disclosed immediately to the company so that a determination can be made as to whether a conflict exists. Members of the employee’s immediate family include spouse, children, and any other relative sharing the same home as the employee.

Protecting Company AND Customer Information

Fusion operates in a competitive business environment and employees must protect company information and customer information entrusted to us in the conduct of our business. During the course of your employment with Fusion Trade, Inc, you will have access to information that is considered proprietary and confidential. You agree that at all times during the term of your employment and thereafter to hold in strictest confidence and not to disclose to any person or entity without written authorization from the CEO or Board of Directors of the Company, any confidential or proprietary information of the Company or its customers. You understand that Confidential information means any company proprietary and confidential information, customer lists, solutions, negotiations, trade secrets, programs, or know how, including, but not limited to, research, business or product plans, ideas,  services, projects, customers, sales and profit figures, proposals, customer information, markets, sales and marketing materials, finances, software, strategic and other plans, projections, and other business information disclosed to you by the company, either directly or indirectly, in writing or orally, or viewed by you. You recognize that the company has received and will receive from customers their confidential or proprietary information subject to a duty on the company’s part to maintain the confidentiality of that information and you agree to hold all such information in the strictest confidence consistent with the Company’s agreement with the customer. You have a duty not to disclose to others any of such information and to keep strictly confidential and to return to Fusion Trade, Inc. all such information promptly when so requested.


There will be times that Fusion has the opportunity to send gifts to our customers. We have to be cognizant of different customer rules and regulations when it comes to accepting gifts from vendors AND THESE MUST BE FOLLOWED. At certain times of year, however, it is customary to give gifts to specific buyers with our customers. You must work through your supervisor and obtain approval for any gift purchase. Further, you must obtain approval from the customer prior to sending any gift. It is important to adhere to the Fusion gift guidelines. There will also be times when you are approached to receive gifts. There are specific rules that prohibit acceptance of gifts over USD$200.00 in value without prior approval from the CEO. Cash may not be accepted in any amount at any time. Offers of cash must be reported to the CEO and Sr VP Procurement; that vendor will be immediately disqualified pending investigation.


Fusion expects employees to exhibit professional conduct at all times. Employees are representatives of the company and as such are expected to treat customers, suppliers, and fellow employees with respect. Please review the policy manual for instances of behavior that are deemed unacceptable and means for immediate termination or disciplinary action.

Statement of Social Responsibility

Fusion expects all employees to be socially responsible. Fusion maintains green programs to minimize its impact in the environment. These programs include the push to be paperless, power conservation program, as well as the various recycling programs and waste reduction program. Fusion recycles all packaging as well as using environmentally friendly packaging methods and materials.

Rev 3 5/3/2016

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